Umrah Journey: Simple Tips for Physical Prep

Starting the Umrah journey isn’t just about getting spiritually ready. Getting your body ready for all the walking is super important. Based on what my smartwatch tells me, I usually walk about 12,000 steps a day during the 9-day Umrah trip.

Sai Safa-Marwah

Tip 1: Walk Strong

To get your body ready, try walking at least 10,000 steps every day and include some strength training exercises. This helps make your legs and back strong for the long walks. Remember, listen to your body and take breaks when you need to. If you need help, the Grand Mosque has wheelchairs available.

Layanan Kursi Roda Elektrik Sai Safa-Marwah Masjidil Haram, Mekah, Saudi Arabia

Tip 2: Eat Right

Eat good food! Give your body the right foods to help it recover quickly. Drink lots of water, eat foods with fiber, and have some fruits for an energy boost.

Salad Bar at Makkah Towers Hotel

Tip 3: Skin Shield

Saudi Arabia can be tough on your skin because of the weather. Use moisturizer to keep your skin from getting dry, and protect yourself from the sun. Don’t forget to use lip balm and sunscreen for extra protection.

Kabah, Mekah, Saudi Arabia

I hope these tips help you, and may we all get the chance to go on Umrah or Hajj in the future. Amien!

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